John R. Barbeau



John R. Barbeau

Relationship Status


Current Address or Addresses for Snowbirds

105 W. Church Street
PO Box 236
Oakfield, WI 53065-0236

Military Service


Career (what did you do to pay the bills)

I retired from the U.S. Army in March 1994 as a colonel. I then became a high school German teacher. I retired once again in June 2013.

Personal (what did and/or do you plan to do to enjoy life)

Ride my Harley, play my guitars and harmonicas, and travel to Germany and Austria as often as I can.

High School Memories

Playing hockey, having great friends, attending Roosevelt in the morning and Wilson in the afternoon, drinking beer at 18 in minor bars, and helping Pat Phalen up and down the steps in a wheelchair-unfriendly building.