Sandra Muldoon



Sandra Muldoon

Maiden Name


Spouse Name


Relationship Status


Current Address or Addresses for Snowbirds

N937 Pebble Ridge Rd.
Greenville, Wi 54942


Son/Russell Richardson
Granddaughter/ Paige Richardson

Military Service


Career (what did you do to pay the bills)

Merc Marine.. Inspector
First Wisconsin National Bank.. Branch Manager
John Birch Soc.. Intake of new members
Curves.. Fitness tech.

Retired and loving it.

Personal (what did and/or do you plan to do to enjoy life)

I’m a house wife with a new home to care for with an awesome landscaped lawn. Praying I can keep it up.
I also do Mosaics which I sell at many shows during the summer months and a few during the Holidays.
So that, my puppy, my husband and my friends
make my life full and happy.

High School Memories

Some really good ones of my friend Jeanne Ahonen Klotz. Grade school, high school and then some distance while she and Mike moved to Fl. She’s back home now and it’s wonderful to have my “sister” back.