Sue and Mark Raymer



Sue and Mark Raymer

Maiden Name


Spouse Name


Relationship Status


Current Address or Addresses for Snowbirds

100 Compton Court
North Wales, PA 19454


Lisa/- Bennett 17, Emma 14, Cole 10
Cory/ – Dylan 15, Mason 13, Austin 11

Military Service


Career (what did you do to pay the bills)

Sue- Legal secretary for Mickiewicz, Sager & Sharpe (10 years). Went back to school in 1985- graduated Lakeshore Technical College with degree in court reporting; owner Raymer Reporting Service for 7 years, then full-time instructor at Lakeshore Technical College for 10 years.
Mark-1970-1980 Ownned and operated Raymers Candies and Guths Chocolates, (Waupun). Sold businesses. Did couple misc. sales position and in 1985 started working for Sysco Corp. In 2001 semi-retired as General Manager/Program Development(ha-ha)
Sue & Mark- 2001 decided to move closer to kids on East Coast and open a small candy store. Wound up in Doylestown, PA, 10 minutes from Lisa & kids and 3 hours from Cory and family. (Cory immediately moved to San Diego, but did move back and is now 3 hours away), Our small candy business has grown into a full-time adventure which we are both enjoying, so not sure when retirement will come.

Personal (what did and/or do you plan to do to enjoy life)

We seriously both enjoy the candy store which is full-time from September to April, but after Easter we travel, (we are less than 2 hours from NY city, Baltimore and DC so we have gotten to know East Coast pretty well) do a lot with kids and grandkids, and relax on occasion.

High School Memories

Sue- Miss Blish putting nylons on under her desk (was that homeroom or first hour English??), Youth Center, dances after football and basketball games.
Mark- SPCSM, learned about beer then learned how to clean up school grounds so we could graduate. Three years with not one football victory. There are a lot of fond memories of time spent with so many different people!