Lynn Wheeler



Lynn Wheeler

Maiden Name


Spouse Name


Relationship Status


Current Address or Addresses for Snowbirds

238 W McKay Rd
Shelbyville, IN 46176


Celia: Eli, Ian, Aidan, and Brody
Emily and Chris (son-in-law): John (Jack), Alex, Nate
We have 7 grandsons, ages 13 and under.

Military Service


Career (what did you do to pay the bills)

Currently: Assistant Professor, University of Indianapolis, School of Education
Previously: 38 yrs in K-12 education, working as a school principal, guidance counselor, or Spanish teacher

Personal (what did and/or do you plan to do to enjoy life)

Sports, travel, photography, cooking, hanging out with my grandsons…

High School Memories

My family moved to Fond du Lac in the summer before our sophomore year. We had moved frequently because of my father’s job transfers. I loved Fond du Lac and still consider it my home town. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again!